Dear IPC-5 competitor, The fourth test domain ("storage") is now available on olimpia from /home/ipc5/domains/storage. I attach a short description of the domain and its variants. This file will also be available from the competition website. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THE PLANNERS HANDLING PREFERENCES AND CONSTRAINTS: We have realized that the TPP domain-problems still require a couple of minor revisions to the versions with (soft and strong) trajectory constraints (see below). So, we have slightly changed the TPP domain again. ***Every planner attempting the domain variants with soft or strong trajectory constraints should use these corrected versions of TPP QualitativePreferences, ComplexPreferences, MetricTimeConstraints.*** The revised versions are already available on olimpia. It appears that no team has run the tests involving preferences or constraints yet (at least on the competition machine), so these changes do not seem to require any extra work for you or for the competition machine. We are sorry if this causes any inconvenience to you. Although we are doing our best, without a planner supporting PDDL3 to test the benchmarks, designing and debugging them so that all (non-trivial) constraints can be satisfied is not easy! In particular, the changes concern the "always" constraints of type (always (> (stored goods4) (stored goods1))), which should be (always (>= (stored goods4) (stored goods1))) (otherwise the problem is unsolvable!), and the soft "sometime-before" constraints of type (forall (?l - level) (preference p7A (sometime-before (stored goods3 ?l) (stored goods7 ?l))), which should be (forall (?l - level) (preference p7A (sometime-before (and (not (= ?l level0)) (stored goods3 ?l)) (stored goods7 ?l)))). Best regards, Alfonso