DOMAIN STRUCTURE AND FILE NAMES ------------------------------- We intend to use five new domains, plus two-three domains taken from the previous competitions (with some new PDDL3.0 variants). The domains and problems will be located in a directory on /home/ipc5/domains We have just made one these domains available (TPP). This is the first domain that we release because it contains all variants and basically all the new features of PDDL3.0. We will make the other domains/problems available later during the testing period. Each domain is arranged according to the same directory/domain structure. The first level of this structure are the different domain categories: - Propositional - SimplePreferences - QualitativePreferences - MetricTemporal - MetricTemporalConstraints - ComplexPreferences Note that some domains don't have all these variants. The "Propositional" and "MetricTemporal" categories use PDDL2.2 (we limited or avoided the use derived predicates and timed initial literals, because many competitors said their planner does not support these features). The other four categories include the new features of PDDL3.0. "SimplePreferences" concerns propositional domains extended with preferences in the goals or action preconditions. "QualitativePreferences" concerns propositional domains extended with preferences over trajectory constraints which do not involve numbers (always, sometime, sometime-before, sometime-after, at-most-once) and possibly with preferences in goals and action preconditions. "MetricTemporalConstraints" concerns MetricTemporal domains extended with PDDL3.0 trajectory constraints, including constraints involving metric time and possibly numerical fluents (hold-during, hold-after, within, always-within). "ComplexPreferences" concerns MetricTemporal domains extended with preferences over state trajectory constraints and possibly preferences in goals and action preconditions. Please consider that, if a preference involves a language construct that is not supported by the planner, the planner could just ignore it (preference satisfaction is not a necessary condition for plan to be "valid"). However, of course, by ignoring preferences the resulting plan could violate them, and hence this has an impact on the quality of the plan (according to the penalties specified in the :metric field of the corresponding problem). For the category SimplePreferences, when the formula of the preference contains quantified variables, we provide an equivalent version of the problem where the variables have been compiled away. This will be a sub-directory of the domain names "GroundedPreferences". You are free to choose the version that you think is more suitable for your planner. In the directory of a domain category, the domain file is named "domain.pddl", while each problem file is named "p.pddl" where is a two-digit identifier. BUT NOTE that the GroundedPreferences formulation is an exception: in this formulation we have a DIFFERENT domain file for every problem: "domain_p.pddl" is the domain file corresponding to the problem "p.pddl". RESULT FILE NAMING AND STRUCTURE -------------------------------- We ask you to arrange your results in a directory structure that mirrors the structure in which we have arranged the domains. For each planner that you run, in the home directory of your account you should create a directory named -results As sub-directories of this, please create one directory for each domain, e.g., -results/TPP Similarly, for all the other domains where you run at least one domain version. For each domain version that you run, create the corresponding sub-directory, e.g. -results/TPP/SimplePreferences (Please use the *SAME* names - including upper/lower case - of the corresponding sub-directories in /home/ipc5/domains.) Place your results file in this directory, unless we provide an additional formalization of the same variant (e.g., the grounded-preferences formalization of the SimplePreferences variant), and you use such alternative version. In this case, please create an additional sub-directory, e.g. -results/TPP/SimplePreferences/GroundedPreferences and place your results files there. The name of your results files should be: p.soln, for the results file for each instance p.pddl. As said, do not produce a results file for instances that your planner didn't solve. Finally, in the unlikely case that the problem is NOT solvable, and your planner does prove it, the planner should produce a results file where, instead of the plan actions, there is "no valid plan". If you have any problem, please let us know.