Satisficing-Planning Propositional Track
In this planning domain there are 30 problems (named by numbers on the
x-axis). In the quality plot, the plan metric has to be minimized.
For the problems in this domain, the main challenge is computing a
valid plan with *good quality*, but for a fully-automated planner in
some cases even finding any valid plan is hard.

In this planning domain there are 30 problems (named by numbers on the
x-axis). In the quality plot, the plan metric has to be minimized.
For the problems in this domain, the main challenge is computing a
valid plan with *good quality*, but for a fully-automated planner in
some cases even finding any valid plan is hard. Computing the
optimal solution in this domain is known NP-hard problem.

In this planning domain there are 30 problems (named by numbers on the
x-axis). In the quality plot, the plan metric has to be minimized.
For the problems in this domain, the main challenge is computing a
valid plan with *good quality*, but for a fully-automated planner in
some cases even finding any valid plan is hard.

In this planning domain there are 50 problems (named by numbers on the
x-axis). The problems not indicated are solved by no planner. In the
quality plot, the plan metric has to be minimized.

In this planning domain there are 40 problems (named by numbers on the
x-axis). In the quality plot, the plan metric has to be minimized.
For the problems in this domain, the main challenge is computing a
valid plan with *good quality*, but for a fully-automated planner in
some cases even finding any valid plan is hard.

In this planning domain there are 30 problems (named by numbers on the
x-axis). In the quality plot, the plan metric has to be minimized.

In this planning domain there are 30 problems (named by numbers on the
x-axis). In the quality plot, the plan metric has to be minimized.